by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
At last year’s RMS Retail Forum, I remembered listening aghast to an inspirational presentation by one of our guest speakers, Phillip Adcock – The ‘go-to’ guy for science-based customer insights – and suddenly realised just how little I truly understood about...
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has proposed changes so all shops that prepare and sell packaged food on-site should list all ingredients and highlight major allergens to avoid deaths. This follows the tragic deaths of Celia Marsh in 2018 and 15-year-old Natasha...
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, Print Controller Feature Blog, RMS Blog |
Reading the sad events that unfolded recently due to an incorrectly labelled baguette whilst also hearing of another death due to an allergic reaction, one cannot help but think, with all the technology available, how these tragic events could have been avoided....
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
I read an interesting post this morning on the Retail Technology Review website on the back of recent news that luxury brands have destroyed millions of pounds worth of unsold merchandise to avoid their products falling into the wrong hands and being sold on the...
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
That’s the news coming out from this week as Public Health England launches its campaign to limit children’s snacks to 100 calories. When applied to the top 25 lines in crisps, chocolate blocks, chocolate bars and sugar confectionery categories,...
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
It’s been more than 10 years since my final stint as a Group Director at the prestigious Oxford Summer School, and it strikes me how often I call upon one of my favourite sessions to help me write content for RMS. The session to which I refer was a full day all about...
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