by Rob Morgan | Metro, Process Feature Blog, RMS Blog, Unified Comms Feature Blog, Workforce Management Feature Blog |
Whether it’s better communication and employee engagement or delivering productivity efficiencies alongside class-leading service standards, optimising the employee experience is crucial if businesses are not only to navigate this change but emerge stronger.
by Rob Morgan | Employee Management, RMS Blog, Time and Attendance, Workforce Management, Workforce Management Feature Blog |
Tune in here to hear Karen Dyke, CEO at RMS share how we have been helping the sudden switch to remote working, and the benefits of the Metro roadmap.
by Rob Morgan | RMS Blog, Workforce Management, Workforce Management Feature Blog |
Paying staff the living wage looks on the face of it to bring a whole raft of benefits to employers – Enhanced quality of the work by staff A fall in absenteeism of circa 25% Two-thirds of employers reported a significant impact on staff recruitment and...
by david waddington | RMS Blog, Workforce Management, Workforce Management Feature Blog
Employee scheduling is one of the least supported HR tasks performed by retailers and often one of the most disliked. Do I meet my labour budget? Do I give the best customer experience? Typically, the Store Managers create the schedule a few weeks in advance, using...
by david waddington | RMS Blog, Workforce Management, Workforce Management Feature Blog
We engage in regular discussions with retailers who are considering investing in a labour management solution. For the most part, their objectives are clear and sensible regarding reducing and optimising labour spend. However, we do find that in relation to...
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