by Rob Morgan | RMS Blog |
With England now in its second lockdown, and other parts of the UK coming out of local restrictions, it’s really not easy keeping up with how things are changing and in turn keeping retail teams up to speed with new regulations and informed as to what these changes...
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
At last year’s RMS Retail Forum, I remembered listening aghast to an inspirational presentation by one of our guest speakers, Phillip Adcock – The ‘go-to’ guy for science-based customer insights – and suddenly realised just how little I truly understood about...
by Rob Morgan | Process Feature Blog, RMS Blog |
It’s been a challenging time for retailers, with the majority forced to either close or completely rethink their operation, however, there appears to be some light at the end of the tunnel. Unless we see another spike in transmission (R) rates, from the 15th of June,...
by Rob Morgan | Metro, RMS Blog
Christmas is when shoppers tend to spend that little bit more – many will plan their Christmas food shopping expedition down to the last nibble and although stores generally close for only one day, you would think they were closing for a month or more if you stood and...
by Rob Morgan | Print Controller, RMS Blog |
It’s been more than 10 years since my final stint as a Group Director at the prestigious Oxford Summer School, and it strikes me how often I call upon one of my favourite sessions to help me write content for RMS. The session to which I refer was a full day all about...
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