RMS is working to reduce the environmental impact in the way we and our customers work.
RMS take environmental responsibilities very seriously. The conduct of business is ever mindful of the impact to the environment, ensuring that our carbon footprint in terms of consumption and emissions are kept to a minimum. RMS heavily use technology to minimise our impact on the environment and have reduced our estimated carbon footprint to approximately 88 tonnes per year. A current project to heat our HQ with Geothermal energy is underway.
Our biggest success has been the removal of our in-house computer room and associated air conditioning and moving almost all of our servers into the cloud. By this action we have removed over 436,800 kWh of power requirement from the UK and moved it to locations around the globe with lower energy costs powered by renewable sources such as hydro electric. That is an astounding 327 tons of C02 every year and 1,638 trees required per annum to offset the effect!
We pride ourselves on helping our clients to minimise their impact on the environment. One such example is Peacocks who removed nearly 3,000,000 pieces of paper from their business.
Talk to us to find out how we can minimise your environmental impact through the use of our solutions.
Paper is an important medium for communicating information to stores. There will always be a need for paper documents – just not as many as are currently produced in an average retail operation. The difficulty of knowing which stores have which store fit out and which display options means that promotion and seasonal instructions tend to include all possible permutations – making the package of paper both very bulky and also very complex. Some paper information is simply not effective. Forms that need completion at store – such as special product orders or payroll information – can be completed and filed online or printed on demand at the store, saving the printing and storage of order pads and other multi-part printed documents.
Some more facts
The Body Shop were able to sell two photocopiers and reduced the paper purchased for store communications by 70% and experienced a number of ‘post-free weeks’ when no paper had been posted to any of their 320 stores!
New Look saw printing, collation and distribution costs fall by 30% as instantaneous electronic distribution kicked in.
Peacocks internal print, copy and distribution costs have dropped by 70%.
Please contact us to find out how we can minimise your environmental impact by using our technology solutions.
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